
按需程序员知道Git. 你可以, 太, with GitHub certificate courses that put you among the ranks of other Git certification-ready development pros.


十大正规赌博平台大全排行 has partnered with Coursera Campus to provide cutting-edge certificates to learners seeking to advance. 课程对所有学习者开放. 无需申请.


获得无限制访问超过7,000 offerings found on the Coursera website – including guided projects, specializations and professional certificates offered by hundreds of leading universities and companies. You also get access to all 39 professional certificates found in the Franklin 市场.



  • Look at the many components and workflows of Git and GitHub and how to use version control systems in devops
  • Build understanding in Git architecture and operations, including 分支ing and merging
  • 开发改进和跟踪代码的技能
  • Learn best practices for managing projects using collaboration 太ls and code reviews


If you're a current or aspiring IT professional looking to add Git and GitHub to your skillset, 这个GitHub专业证书课程是为你准备的.

一旦你完成了这个证书项目的六门课程, you'll have practical working knowledge of how Git and GitHub resources are used in project management and collaboration.

You'll gain a clearer understanding of the technology and learn about the importance of version control, remote repositories and other features of industry-standard Github 太ls.

通过这个课程, you'll have multiple opportunities to apply what you learn through hands-on lab assignments. 除了初始化存储库之外, 查找和修复错误, 并使用Git命令, you'll be moving a step closer to mastering one of the leading 太ls of code developers. +, 每个实验作业, you'll be creating your very own Git portfolio; one you can share with prospective employers to demonstrate your knowledge and skills.



数据科学|自学| 18小时

在本课程中 you will get an introduction to the main 太ls and ideas in the data scientist's 太lbox. 本课程概述了这些数据, 问题, 以及数据分析师和数据科学家使用的工具. 这门课有两个组成部分. The first is a conceptual introduction to the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a practical introduction to the 太ls that will be used in the program like version control, 减价, git, GitHub, R, 和RStudio.

计算机科学|自学| 13小时

The 使用Git进行版本控制 course provides you with a solid, hands-on foundation for understanding the Git version control system. Git is open source software originally created by Linus Torvalds. Git管理大大小小的项目的团队文件. 这使得团队能够不断改进其产品. 大多数大型科技公司都在使用它, and is assumed knowledge for many modern programming and IT jobs. It is a core component of DevOps, continuous delivery pipelines and cloud-native computing. You could also use Git to manage the many continuously improving revisions of that book that you are writing. 在本课程中, 您不会学到Git的所有知识, but you will build a strong conceptual understanding of the technology, and afterward will be able to confidently dig deeper on any topic that interests you. 本课程假定以前没有Git知识, 但如果你有经验的话, 你可能会发现这门课程既有用又具有挑战性. This is especially true if you currently "know just enough Git to be dangerous". 这门课有两条路径. 两者都严重依赖于动手实验. One path assumes that you have experience using a command line interface, 另一个路径使用Sourcetree图形客户端. 如果您没有使用命令行的经验, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行强烈建议您通过Sourcetree路径. 最终, 你可能想两条路都走, 这样您就可以决定使用哪个工具来完成特定的任务. 此外,重复对学习有好处:) 你可以 watch the videos and take the quizzes from your phone if you want, but the hands-on labs require you to have a Windows or Mac computer. If you use the command line path through the course, you can also use Linux. 本课程使用Bitbucket (Bitbucket).org)作为远程Git存储库的托管提供商. Bitbucket is free for teams of up to 5 people, including private repositories. 然而, most of the knowledge that you gain in this course applies to Git itself, and you can apply this knowledge to other hosted Git providers (such as GitHub). 本课程尽量简明扼要. It will probably take you about 5-10 hours to go through one of the two paths, 但你的里程可能会有所不同.

初级|信息技术|自学| 27小时

在本课程中, you’ll learn how to keep track of the different versions of your code and configuration files using a popular version control system (VCS) called Git. We'll also go through how to set up an account with a service called GitHub so that you can create your very own remote repositories to store your code and configuration. 在整个课程中, you'll learn about Git's core functionality so you can understand how and why it’s used in organizations. We’ll look into both basic and more advanced features, like 分支es and merging. We'll demonstrate how having a working knowledge of a VCS like Git can be a lifesaver in emergency situations or when debugging. And then we'll explore how to use a VCS to work with others through remote repositories, 比如GitHub提供的. 这门课结束的时候, you'll be able to store your code's history in Git and collaborate with others in GitHub, 你还将从哪里开始创建自己的投资组合! 为了跟进并完成评估, you’ll need a computer where you can install Git or ask your administrator to install it for you.

初学者|计算机科学|自学| 22学时

Course 4 focuses on using git for open source software distributed development. Git is a revision control system which arose out of the Linux kernel development community. Git was designed to help developers spread across the globe working on complicated projects coordinate their work in a rational way and keep track of everything they were doing. Overtime, Git has grown to be used by millions of projects today. This course gives you the opportunity to learn how to use git efficiently and make contributions in a relatively short amount of time. 它将包括: 如何安装git 如何初始化存储库 如何在存储库中进行更改 如何使存储库中的更改对其他人可用 如何获取其他人所做的更改 How to find errors in your work and go back to earlier states of yoru projects 如何进行提交、修改、合并、重构. The course will help you get the skills to have a good understanding on how to use git. 您将对git工作流有一个很好的了解, 识别工作流程中的问题, 找到解决这些问题的方法.

中级|计算机科学|自学| 2小时

A key to maintaining a project under version control is to store it as a remote repository on a server that is backed up over time. Keeping a project on a remote repository not only provides a back-up of the project; it also allows others to collaborate on the project. In the case of Git there are several remote repository options out there. Github和BitBucket是两个比较受欢迎的选择, 每个都有一个免费选项和一个订阅选项. 在本课程中, you will create a remote Git repository using an existing Git project containing directories and files. 您将使用Git命令,如push, 拉, 获取, 分支, and merge to make changes to your local Git repository and add them to the remote repository. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.

初学者|计算机科学|自定进度| 2小时

This course will give you a first look at using git to manage your code's version control, as well as offering an introduction to accessing the Github 太ls you'll need as a beginner. Developers need version control, and git is an industry standard. Github's ability to make a repository easily accessible to a distributed team, 以及它对敏捷开发的支持, 让它成为每个开发人员工具箱中有价值的工具. 在这个项目结束的时候, you will create a Github-hosted repository forked from an open-source project and start a Github repository of your own. 您将了解如何分岔和克隆项目, creating 分支es to work on a repository in your development environment, 推动您的更改, 恢复的变化, 保持提交干净. 有了这个介绍, you'll be one step closer to mastering the 太ls every developer needs to create a new app, 叉子:最喜欢的工具的叉子, 或者下一个大项目. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions.

填写此证书. 获得大学学分.

You know that skill-specific courses will open the door to specialized jobs, but did you know that they will also move you closer to a degree at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行?

The University has evaluated hundreds of certifications for industry-recognized proficiencies and awards credit that equates to specific Franklin courses, 以及技术或选修学分的要求. See how much time and money you'll save toward your degree by building on prior learning credit.

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当你参加这个自定进度的证书课程时, you decide how quickly you want to complete each of the courses in the specialization. 要访问课程, 你每月只需支付35美元的小额费用, so the total cost of your Professional Certificate depends on you. 另外,你可以休息一下,也可以随时取消订阅.

How long does it take to finish the GitHub Professional Certificate?

It takes an average of 3-4 months to complete the courses and hands-on projects to earn your certificate.


没有先前的经验是需要这个初学者水平的系列. 现在招收.

What will I be able to do with my GitHub Professional Certificate?

Your certificate puts you another step closer to mastering the GitHub, the 太l in every developer needs to create the next killer app or big project.

分享 it with your professional network to demonstrate that you know how to leverage Git for workflow, 协作和版本控制.

Do I need to apply and be accepted as a 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 student to take courses offered through the FranklinWORKS 市场?

No. 市场提供的课程面向所有学习者. 没有申请或录取程序.

如果我完成了证书并决定在十大正规赌博平台大全排行注册, 我如何获得课程学分来获得学位?

请将您的证书提交至 供审查和处理. 在你的正式评估完成后, please review it to ensure that all eligible credits have been applied. 

您可以在您之前或之后提交文档 适用于十大正规赌博平台大全排行.











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每月49元, you will receive unlimited access to the full catalog of programs offered through 十大正规赌博平台大全排行's partnership with Coursera.

Learn at your own pace, and cancel your subscription at any time.



十大正规赌博平台大全排行不退还在线课程或项目的费用. If you purchased an online course and it is not what you expected, 请通过FW市场@franklin与十大正规赌博平台大全排行联系.分享你建设性的反馈.



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